Monday, May 23, 2011

Every Letter Makes a Sound

Probably a month ago, she saw Jack's name on a sippy cup. She said each letter, though at the time she called the "J" and "G" and soudned each letter out. All of a sudden, she said, "Jack!" Granted she may have been using context clues, it was obviously Jack's cup, but the surprise and glimmer in her eye made it seem like she really figured out how to read the word. I'm probably just being a silly Mom :)

Now, though, she knows every letter and their sounds, thanks to a LeapFrog video from her aunt Kelly. She can be heard singing this song throughout the day, pointing out letters she sees, and asking what different words start with.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit - I witnessed this in person and am pretty impressed. Keep up the good work Katie! :)
