Friday, June 4, 2010

35 weeks, 5 days

Just saw the MD today, and despite a week of very low activity level, Jack is still progressing. I am 90% effaced, -1 station and 2 cm dialated. The doctor thinks he will be here in the next week despite anything I do or don't do, so I am off bed rest. When I asked her about my activity level, she said it was up to me. I told her, I need my house to be clean before this baby is here! Family and friends have been offering to help me nest, but its ridculous to ask family or friends to do the things I want to do to this house. Most sane people don't care about baseboards in their laundry room or street trashcans been hosed out. That said, my parents are coming over tomorrow to help set up so furniture for Jack and maybe some normal cleaning to help me catch up, which I really appreciate.

The doctor also said that Jack has a 97% chance of having fully developed lungs and the risk of developmental delays was gone a few weeks ago. While they will try to stop or slow the labor should it happen before 37 weeks, she doesn't think it will be too effective if he wants to come. So its nice that we can start getting excited about his arrival without worrying as much about complications. What an answer to prayers. We still, of course, covet your prayers that he is a strong and healthy boy, ready for birth whenever he decides.

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