Sunday, September 4, 2011

Clean Up, Clean Up...

Ambree hasn't been too sleepy during nap time lately, but I have, so I've extended liberties to encourage a rest time during the middle of the day. It sounds like a construction site in her room at times.

Earlier this week, I went in to wake her up, and all of the room was rearranged. Toys moved all over, and her sound asleep in bed. Then the next afternoon, she all of a sudden appeared in my room while I was napping. Jumping awake, I said, "Is everything okay, do you need to go to the bathroom?" She replied, "Oh, no, Mommy. I'm fine. Go back to sleep." And I did.

Then when I went to wake her up, she said her bed was wet. Oh, dear, I thought, she had an accident. But no, it was from shaking water out of her sippy cup, so that she could 'clean' her bedroom. She wiped everything down, and put everything away. All of her toys were either stuffed into her closet or her tent or a random drawer. It took us two days to find her second sandal.

So now this is the new normal for nap time. She cleans her self to sleep. After telling a friend, I found out one of Ambree's best friends (two months older) has started doing the exact same thing during nap time this same week. Must be a developmental milestone, or they talk during play dates or church, and share their latest ideas.

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