Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Redeemed Legacy

I haven't posted in a long time. Mostly because I was subconsciously buying into a lie. That I couldn't post on a family blog about a broken family. That what happened defined me, my family, or worse, my children.

By God's grace, that is not who I am. Sean leaving does not define me. What Christ did does. I am a child of God, bought with his blood. What grace! It's not even my own clumsy and intentional failures that define me. Despite me, despite my sin, Christ died for me.

And that light wasn't meant to be hidden because of circumstance. But it's to shine forth! All for his glory.

My earnest prayer is that I would be able to pass down a legacy of redemption to Ambree and Jack. That they would know despite what happened to them, they can have Christ. He is ever faithful and true, unmovable. His sacrifice is sufficient to save. And his return gives hope. This world is not our home. It is a shadow of redeemed creation to come. And as we wait, he redeems those who he's called. Hope! I pray that anchor for Ambree's and Jack's lives.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I want to share it with all the single moms I know. And it breaks my heart that I know so many. It seems that we are at the age where single moms are being formed. Well said. If you share this link on Facebook, I will pass it along...if not, I'll respect your privacy.
